Argument filters and Streams

This small example demonstrates three features of JIP.

  • Any interpreted language can be used to write executable blocks
  • The arg and else template filters can be handy when it comes to the tedios task of argument parsing and interpretation
  • JIP’s stream dispatcher allows you to write streams to files and other processes in parallel.

Other interpreters

The default interpreter used in JIP templates and scripts is bash, but you can change the interpreter easily. For this, you simply specify the name or the path to the interpreter as a command block argument, for example, #%begin command perl will open a perl interpreted command block.

Here is a full example where we use OCaml to drive our tool:

 #!/usr/bin/env jip
 #Send a greeting from ocaml
 # usage:
 #     hello  -n <name> [-o <output>]
 # Options:
 #   -n, --name <name>      Your name
 #   -o, --output <output>  The output
 #                          [default: stdout]

 #%begin command ocaml
 let o = ${output|arg('open_out "', '"')|else("stdout")};;
 Printf.fprintf o "Dear ${name}\n\n";;
 Printf.fprintf o "From the happy chambers of my spirit,\n";;
 Printf.fprintf o "I send forth to you, my smile.\n";;
 Printf.fprintf o "And, I pray that you shall carry it with you,\n";;
 Printf.fprintf o "as you travel each and every mile.\n";;

In order to switch to OCaml, simply start the command block with #%begin command ocaml.

Argument filtering

In the example above, the tool exposes the output option to the user and defaults to stdout. Here we use the arg and else template filters to solve the problem. Somehow we have to wither select stdout or open the user specified file. The line that solves the problem is:

let o = ${output|arg('open_out "', '"')|else("stdout")};;

What happens here? First of all, everything outside of ${} is pure OCaml. Inside the braces, the following logic is applied. Take the value of the output options. If a value was assigned that is not a file stream and does not evaluate to false, pass it to arg (see jip.templates.arg_filter()) and insert the result. Otherwise, pass it through else. The else argument of else is inserted if the passed value is a file stream or evaluates to false.

In case the user specified an output file, we have to surround it with quotes and pass it to OCamls open_out function. Here we solve this by specifying the arg filters prefix and suffix arguments.

This results in the following evaluated output. If the user did not specify an output file, arg takes the value and returns it unmodified. In this case, the else block is the one that generates the final result:

let o = stdout;;

If an output file was specified, say myfile.txt, the argfilter will surround it with the specified prefix and suffix and create the final result as:

let o = open_out "myfile.txt"

Dispatching streams

Lets take the hello tool from the previous example and create a small, indeed not very useful, counting pipeline:

#!/usr/bin/env jip -p
# Count words and lines
# usage:
#     counter <name>

greetings = run('hello', name=args['name'])
line_count = bash('wc -l', input=greetings)
full_count = bash('wc', input=greetings)


In this example, we do not open a block with #%begin pipeline to start implementing our pipeline. Instead, we pass the -p parameter to the jip interpreter in the shebang line. This switches to pipeline mode automatically.

The pipeline in this example is rather straight forward. We take a single name argument. Then we call hello, our OCaml tool from the previous example. Next, the output of hello, called greetings, is passed as input to two bash tools, one that does a full count, and one that only counts lines.

Lets perform a dry run to see what happens. Don’t worry, we will not start the pipeline, so there is no need to have OCaml installed:

$> ./counter.jip Joe -- --dry
|                                                           ...
|              Name              | State  |                 ...
| greetings|line_count|full_coun | Hold   |                 ...
| t                              |        |                 ...
|  Job hierarchy   |

The dry run screen for this pipeline show is two things.

First, the dependencies are correct as you can see from the Job Hierarchy. Greetings is the primary job and executed first and the other two jobs depend on it.

Second, the Job states table shows only a single job called greetings|line_count|full_count. This indicates that all three jobs have streams connecting them and they all have to be executed in parallel. In case you want to submit the pipeline to a compute cluster, this means all three jobs have to be executed on the same node in a single cluster job. The reason for this behavior is obvious. Our hello tool prints its output to stdout and the two counter tools read from stdin.

Lets modify the pipeline a little bit and write the output of our call to hello into a result file. The rest of the pipeline stays untouched:

 greetings = run('hello', name=args['name'], output='result.txt')
 line_count = bash('wc -l', input=greetings)
 full_count = bash('wc', input=greetings)

Watch what happens when we perform a dry run:

$> ./counter.jip Joe -- --dry
|                                                          ...
|              Name              | State  |                ...
| greetings                      | Hold   |                ...
| line_count                     | Hold   | result.txt     ...
| full_count                     | Hold   | result.txt     ...
|  Job hierarchy   |

The job hierarchy stays untouched as we did not modify any of the dependencies, but instead of a single job, all three tools are now executed in dedicated jobs. The table already shows the reason. The two counter jobs are now operating on the output file of the greetings job. greetings has to finish first, but the two counters can now be executed in two separate jobs.

If this is beneficial or not depends on the tasks and on your compute infrastructure. For example, if one of the secondary jobs is able to work multi-threaded while the other one uses only a single CPU, it might be nice to split them into two dedicated job on your cluster. On the other hand, if your data stream is quiet large and the task is not very computationally intense, it might be better stream the data through all the jobs and submit only a single job to you your cluster.

Now, what if you want the results of the initial job to be stored in your results.txt output file but you still would like to stream the data through to your other two jobs. In pure bash, you might solve it with bashs tee command. In JIP, you can achieve the same goal by adding a single line to your pipeline that ensures the stream pipe behaviour:

 greetings = run('hello', name=args['name'], output='result.txt')
 line_count = bash('wc -l', input=greetings)
 full_count = bash('wc', input=greetings)

 greetings | (line_count + full_count)

The last line of the pipeline recreates the pipes, but keeps the results file as part of the stream. The output of greetings will be streamed to results.txt and to the two counter jobs.

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